Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Enna Burning

Enna Burning is the second book in Shannon Hales Books of Bayern series. So far, this is the only book of hers I've not let Morgan read. It's extremely violent and has graphic descriptions of people being on fire and burning to death. And there is an almost rape scene.

That being said, it's a good book. You do have to read this one in order to follow the book after it, Forest Born. But I just explained what happened to my daughter and she was fine.

This book is about a girl named Enna, who's brother finds a vellum which contains written instructions on how to learn the gift of fire speak. He learns and ends up burning to death in a war, saving the day. Enna then decides to learn and thinks she can better control it. We find out she cannot.

Enna Burning brings back the sweet characters from The Goose Girl with a focus on Enna instead of Isi.  The whole book is basically war scene after war scene. So, it's a bit graphic and intense. But I enjoyed it and loved seeing the characters again.

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