Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Age of Opportunity

I have decided that I need to get better at reading non-fiction. I decided to start with this book, Age of Opportunity. It's a book about biblically parenting teenagers. And no, I don't have teenagers yet. My eldest child is 10. However, my third child is 5 and very much a teenager. I picked up this book on a recommendation from a friend and read it hoping to glean some good things about my kindergartner. And my emotional and dramatic 10 year old.

The title says it all - so many in our culture disdain the teenage years. I've even said it time and time again: "I'm not looking forward to the teenagers years. I mean, I have four girls." What a fallacy. I read the introduction and it shifted my view on any years of a child's life, but mostly on the teenage years. They have more potential for opportunities than for dismay.

This is a great book for all parents and it's about sanctifying the parents just as much as training the kids. I highly recommend.

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