Monday, December 16, 2013


Once again, I read this to make sure my 9 year old could read it. Or at least so I could talk to her about any issues that might come up. I was only a chapter in before I realized it'd be great for my girls to read. But because I wanted to read it as well, I got the audio from the library and we listened together in the car. EVERY MOM SHOULD DO THIS! What a fun way to taxi around.

Back to the book. It was great. The overall message was great, the writing was good, the characters were precious and endearing, and the story was captivating...even for me.

Rules is meant for younger kids. However, the message and themes are ageless. Catherine is a 12-year-old girl who has an 8-year-old brother with Autism. She makes rules for him to follow so he can better navigate his world. Catherine is trying to navigate her own world of being and doing all things for her brother when she meets a boy, Jason, who is wheelchair bound and can not speak. Jason can communicate through his communication book and he and Catherine become friends. Now Catherine has to navigate being friends with Jason and still trying to impress her new neighbor that she desperately wants to be good friends with.

I highly recommend this book - not only for young kids, but for adults as well. It's a sweet story that will remind you of what true friendship is and the value of life, regardless of how different that life is from your own.

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