Saturday, January 24, 2015

Grace for the Good Girl

This is a great book. I read it over the course of a year. I usually don't do books like this unless it's a part of a study where I'm talking about it with others. Reading deep books on my own is just not how I think. It took a year to read it because it's not how I digest things. A chapter will leave me thinking for a good month.

Anyway, this book is written for the "good girl". I was not that girl. While I don't know what defines a "bad" girl, I'd say I was borderline one. Drugs, alcohol, rock and roll, boys, the whole shebang. A general I-don't-care-what-the-eff-happens-to-me-so-I'll-partake-in-destructive-behaviors attitude.

I say all of that to give amazing credit to this book. It's not written for girls like me, but I related to it enormously. If I can get so much out of the book and it wasn't even written for girls like me, I can only imagine the depth that the good girl would get out of it.

The conversational style of Freeman makes it easy it follow and get tons out of, regardless of your learning style (a rare thing indeed).

I'd highly recommend this book to just about anyone (well, girls).

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